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Welcome to Gloria Christian Bilingual School, the newest school of Gloria Christian School under the auspices of Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen Gloria.

Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen Gloria is an established educational institution that has been around for more than 37 years, and continues to develop and adapt to accommodate the needs of students from time to time.

The education at GCBS is in line with the four pillars of holistic education of all Gloria Christian Schools that focuses on all aspects of an individual: academic, character, skills, and physical.


The primary level is the foundation of the academic aspect. Students succeed in their studies when they find the process they are undergoing – meaningful.

In response to the challenges of 21st century education, we align the Curriculum with the International Curriculum to enrich the understanding and gain better results: Pearson Edexcel for Math, Science, English, and Computing.

To deliver a good curriculum, the right approach is essential to ensure that students will benefit most from it. For this purpose, we incorporate STEAM. STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math as the access point to guide the students’ inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.

Why STEAM? With STEAM, students can:

  • Nurture natural curiosity,
  • Develop growth mindset,
  • Widen knowledge perspective,
  • Bring reality into the classroom.


We earnestly instill the lifestyle of a follower of Christ through the learning process in and outside the classroom, as well as various daily habits. Furthermore, students are encouraged to do good deeds as a manifestation of their faith and character.


Students of the 21st century need to possess GLOBAL COMPETENCE in which they can see themselves as part of the global community, understand and appreciate different cultures, engage in open interaction, as well as take action to contribute to the wellness of the world and humanities. To reach these goals, GCBS equips the students with the skills needed: bilingualism, digital literacy, soft skills (leadership, teamwork, communication skills) and manners.

The goal of bilingual education is for students to become biliterate.

Biliteracy doesn’t only mean that students can benefit from the linguistic aspects but also cognitive aspects, considering that they continually train the brain to differentiate two languages and use them in proper ways.

Living in a digital era brings students numerous advantages, especially for those who can utilize digital skills efficiently. GCBS equips the students with knowledge, attitudes, and skills to excel in this digital environment. In addition, students will also learn algorithms and coding in order to develop their digital solutions and make great contributions.


Our body is the temple of God, therefore we create a supportive environment to foster this mission that involves school nutrition programs and physical activities.

Nutrition Physical
Lunch is provided to build good eating habits. Medical screening
The canteen only sells food and beverage that meet our guidelines and standards. Body fitness training
Informasi Pendaftaran Siswa Baru

Grand Pakuwon Junior High School Facilities