KB-TK Kristen Gloria 1’s learning program is designed to deliver a fun learning experience for the students. The school arranges a variety of interesting learning activities to enrich students' learning experiences and foster their curiosity. Some of these activities were visiting Tugu Pahlawan Museum and Monument, Burger King, and Surabaya Zoo.
By visiting the Tugu Pahlawan Museum and Monument, students could learn about the history of our nation. They obtained a lot of knowledge through dioramas, hero statues, and weapons used. Students also watched a war documentary on November 10, 1945. This experience certainly enriched students' knowledge about the struggles of national heroes and built patriotism and nationalism.
KB-TK Kristen Gloria 1 students also learnt life skills through making burgers at Burger King. Students were invited to peek at the activity inside the kitchen (looking at the equipment and watching the process of frying chicken). The students became more excited when they had a colouring competition while waiting for their turn to go around the kitchen of Burger King.
Another exciting activity was visiting Surabaya Zoo. The students were so enthusiastic when they went there. Students were trained to be patient when they were entering the area and going around watching various kinds of animals. Students gained experience in understanding animal behaviour, food, and their sounds. Through various interesting activities, students are expected to learn from their surroundings.