Traditional snacks, which are considered an important part of Indonesian food, are popular and often become everybody’s favorite since they taste good, are easy to find, and are affordable. However, many youngsters are not familiar with it. Noticing this fact, Gloria Christian Junior High School collaborated with parents to hold a Traditional Snack Festival at school. This activity is meant to introduce local culture and traditions to students. It is hoped that this kind of activity would also help in preserving Indonesian cultural heritage.
Last March, the activity was carried out in the garden and canteen of Gloria Kupang Indah Christian Junior High School with the theme "Sulawesi Traditional Snacks". It started with a fashion show. Each student representing each class and teachers waddled in front of the judges wearing Sulawesi regional clothes, Bodo, Tutu, Seppa Tallung, and Pokko clothes. The activity was then continued with an exhibition of traditional snacks. Parents and schools work together in preparing traditional food and drinks from the Sulawesi region. Not only did the exhibition introduce traditional snacks, but it was also enlivened with Photo booth and competitions (dances, songs, rhymes, or poetry) related to Sulawesi which generated the excitement of the event.
The Traditional Snack Festival has strengthened the collaboration between parents, students, and schools. Parents can be actively involved in the child's education process. On the other hand, students experienced learning about traditional food and culture in a fun way, especially with the presence of their parents at school.