KBA-KBB children of Gloria Christian Preschool and Kindergarten 3 had extraordinary enthusiasm during their school trip to the Surabaya Zoo. Students gathered enthusiastically in their respective classes, listened to the teacher's instructions, joined in prayer, and boarded the school bus to head to the Zoo.
When they arrived at the Surabaya Zoo, the KBB students were neatly lined up and walked with their accompanying teacher. On the other hand, KBA children walked hand in hand with their respective parents. Before the adventure started, they took a photo together with smiles full of happiness.
Children really enjoy seeing various kinds of animals such as zebras, giraffes, bears, birds, and many others. Early exposure to animals has many advantages for kids, such as instilling empathy, raising environmental consciousness, helping in the development of communication skills.
The kids' excitement for exploring the Zoo did not even slightly diminish despite the intense heat of Surabaya. They explore and learn with a great passion. The parents' involvement and support are essential to the field trip program's survival. All students and parents were very enthusiastic about participating in the entire series of field trip activities. See you on the next field trip story!