Core Value

Teach students to maintain a relationship with God in order to be similar to Christ in words, thoughts and behavior so that each person can be the salt and light of the world.
At all levels of education, reflection and prayer every morning, weekly services, retreats, Easter and Christmas activities are routine activities for all Gloria Christian School students and the entire academic community.

Life Long Learning
Love God with all your mind, closely related to equipping yourself with a lot of knowledge. Because through this knowledge, God will be glorified and we will be a blessing to many people.
Interactive learning, moving classes, e-learning, field trips, extracurriculars, evaluations and competitions are learning methods applied at Gloria Christian School and their effectiveness has been proven.

In the teaching and learning process at Gloria Christian School, obedience is emphasized through various methods and activities, so as to create a person who views high obedience and discipline as no longer an obligation but a lifestyle.
Obedience to God's Word and obedience to government regulations through school regulations is implemented in various activities such as morning exercise, obedience to prayer, and washing hands before eating to cleaning up one's own cutlery. Student and Boys' Brigade orientation activities are effective obedience learning for every student.

By having responsibility, one can be trusted and relied on in the midst of family and society. Most of all, being responsible for yourself is the foundation of success for everyone.
Through routine picket activities in class, leading prayers, leading lines, appointing class leaders, community service, holding and organizing bazaars, up to the election of OSIS chairmen and functionaries, these are responsibility learning activities for Gloria Christian School students.

Through teaching honesty and implementing a fair evaluation, the honesty canteen is a method of implementing integrity as a lifestyle at Gloria Christian School.
In addition, Gloria Christian School students are encouraged to take part in various competitions to learn to have integrity through a spirit of sportsmanship. For junior and senior high school students an LDKS (Basic Student Leadership Training) is held every year.

Students get learning to be able to adapt to the environment, culture, and each other where they live. Appreciating differences, having the initiative to maintain relationships, understanding other personal uniqueness with positive perceptions, and overcoming shyness or low self-esteem are the points of teaching "adaptability".
Through field trips, camping, study tours and regular rural ministry, students can learn to interact, socialize and adapt both with their classmates and in the outside world.