The Excitement of the First Day of Entering School at Gloria Christian High School

The Excitement of the First Day of Entering School at Gloria Christian High School

Monday, July 17, 2023, is the first day of school for students returning to school. Every new student at a new school is filled with new enthusiasm, new hope, and new joy. Just like the new students of Gloria Christian High School who are in grade X. The enthusiasm of students can be seen through the cheerful expressions on their faces when they meet teachers and friends at school. On the first day of school, students go straight to their designated classrooms, where they meet their homeroom teacher and new friends.

The grade X students previously attended MPLS and a student retreat on July 11–15, 2023, where through these activities students were introduced to and assisted in adapting to the new school environment. Student Council (USC and SC) members participated in this MPLS and retreat activity, helping to plan every last detail. The grade X students engaged fully and enthusiastically in all MPLS and retreat activities. They actively participated in responding to questions during each event session and showed great enthusiasm for games and outdoor activities. Through MPLS and retreat activities, it is hoped that students will also be able to get to know each other better and make new friends. The series of MPLS and retreat events also introduce Gloria's core values to new students, so it is hoped that students can appreciate these core values more in the ongoing learning system. Soli Deo Gloria! games/outbound. Melalui kegiatan MPLS dan retreat ini diharapkan siswa juga semakin bisa mengakrabkan diri satu dengan yang lain dan berkenalan dengan teman-teman yang baru. Rangkaian acara MPLS dan retreat ini juga memperkenalkan core value Gloria kepada siswa baru sehingga diharapkan siswa dapat lebih menghayati core value tersebut dalam sistem pembelajaran yang berjalan. Soli Deo Gloria!

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