Celebrate Independence Day with traditional games: Foster a sense of love for Indonesian culture and a spirit of unity.

Celebrate Independence Day with traditional games: Foster a sense of love for Indonesian culture and a spirit of unity.

Indonesian Independence Day, which falls on August 17th, is a very important and historic moment for the Indonesian people. All groups participate in enlivening the celebration of Independence Day which is often celebrated with enthusiasm through various competition activities to foster the spirit of patriotism and nationalism in the younger generation.  

This year, Gloria Christian Bilingual School, took part in enlivening Indonesia's independence celebrations with a flag ceremony and various traditional game activities.  

All of Gloria Christian Bilingual School's students and teachers were present for the flag ceremony that marked the start of the celebration. The ceremony went on perfectly and without incident. Students lined up in an orderly manner and followed all instructions during the ceremony. The participation of GCBS students is expected to have a significant impact on character building and early understanding of national identity, national values, and the spirit of patriotism, especially for grade 1 students.  

After taking part in the flag ceremony, the celebration continued with several traditional games such as a cracker eating contest, tank wheels, a marble race, an obstacle course, and a flour relay. The excitement of celebrating Independence Day at school was greatly appreciated by the students, not only because they could play with many friends but also because these games were very typical of the moment. Many of them are looking forward to a certain type of game that is very close associated with the celebration of independence, which is usually played only once a year and continues to be preserved by the people of Indonesia. A sense of love for the motherland and pride for various cultures can arise and be fostered through traditional games.  

Dirgahayu Indonesia  


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